ACS Spring Meeting, New Orleans. March 17-March 21, 2024

If you are going to the ACS New Orleans (NOLA) meeting, in addition to attending amazing technical talks and sharing your research with fellow scientists, please consider attending one or more networking events often organized by the ACS committees such as the Senior Chemists Committee (Senior Chemists Committee – American Chemical Society, the Women Chemist Committee (Home – ACS Women Chemists Committee and the Younger Chemists Committee (Committee on Younger Chemists – American Chemical Society that will be  celebrating its 50th Anniversary with multiple events in NOLA. Most of the events are free and open to everyone while some are ticketed events.

During the NOLA meeting the councilors will be voting on the 2 candidates who will run for the position of 2026 President-Elect during the Fall ACS elections. In addition, councilors will be voting to amend the bylaws of society to create a sustainable pathway for dues increases in the future and will be adding international member dues based on the World Bank classification of the address of the member. The Council will also be taking a historic vote to add councilors from international membership through the creation of multiple zones.  Stay tuned for our report on the votes after the meeting.